Browse Items (83 total)

  • Collection: Outdoor Recreation

Men and women at a hunting camp.

Woman with snowshoes and rifle, probably Frances Palmer.

Man standing with his dogs and bears that he has killed.

Man with a basket of fish on the Spokane River.

"Mrs. Reese, Mrs. Barker, Jennie Boughton, Mr. & Mrs. Mills down on the river on a beautiful day"

"Grace Anderson (Mrs. F. W.) and friend on rocks - Newman Lake"

"Rebba and boat, ca. 1920s, Newman Lake"

Unidentified group of women at the Dwight Cabin, Del Cardo Bay, Lake Coeur d'Alene

Unidentified group of women and children at the Dwight Cabin, Del Cardo Bay, Lake Coeur d'Alene

Clyde Stricker, water ski expert at Coeur d'Alene, Lake, Idaho.

Young woman on the dock at Arrow Point, Lake Coeur d'Alene

Group of unidentified hikers.

Ski tournament at Ski-Mor in Spokane Valley, 1935/1936.

Ski tournament at Ski-Mor in Spokane Valley, 1935/1936.

"Setting beaver traps along Little Spokane River"

"A beaver caught in a trap and ready to be killed"

"Trapper has caught and killed two beaver"

"Stretching and drying the beaver skins on a frame to cure them"

"Looking for places to set Beaver traps" on the Little Spokane.

"Trapper has caught and killed two beaver."

"Indian Canyon golf course opening in May 1936. Group of Indian maiden caddies waiting for the matches to begin."

"Indian Canyon golf course opening in May 1936 - Group of costumed women of the tribe preparing for the initiatory ceremonies that were to follow."

"Group of four in costume taken along with Colonel Stark at the time of the opening of the Indian Canyon golf course in May 1936."

"Indian Canyon golf course opening in May 1936. Ceremonial (sic) of initiation of J. I. Kinman into tribal membership."

"Indian Canyon golf course opening in May 1936. General view of the golf field at the time of the initiatory ceremonies and while the dance was in progress."

"Indian Canyon golf course opening in May 1936. Three fully costumed men in company with Col. Stark in the lee of the clubhouse."

"Indian Canyon golf course opening in May 1936. Indian boy with both bow and arrow and golf bag quipped apparently waiting for something to happen."

"Indian Canyon golf course opening in May 1936 - Indian group gathering on the field preparatory to the tribal initiatory ceremonial."

"Indian Canyon golf course opening in May 1936 - One of the golf players with his girl caddy waiting for the matches to begin."

"Indian Canyon golf course opening in May 1936 - Col Stark and a fully costumed Indian contesting -- Col. Stark in teeing a golf ball and the Indian in shooting an arrow."

"Opening in May 1936. General view of the slope below the clubhouse showing the size and character of the crowd to see the ceremonies."

"Indian Canyon golf course opening in May 1936. Group of Indians in full costume inducting the whites into membership in the tribe."

"Mayor Burch greeting the "biggest' Indian present for the golf opening ceremonies in May 1936."

"Indian Canyon Golf Course opening in May 1936. From left to right: Colonel Stark, Mr. Hamblen, Mr. Kinman, Dr. Kimball and Mayor Burch."

"Indian Canyon Golf Course opening in May 1936. Group of fully costumed Indian girls grouped around a young man, a drummer of the tribe."

"Indian Canyon Golf Course opening in May 1936. Group of fully costumed Indian girls who were to do the caddying."

Unidentified woman fishing.
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